
Our dedication is to being a complete, comprehensive environmental partner to all clients, 
from the smallest of operations to the biggest of companies. A general overview of our recent projects is presented here:

  • Over 50 legal registries of varying scopes with the most extensive ones covering legislation from hundreds of regulations, standards and directives.
  • Over 20 due diligence projects with onsite Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I, Phase II & ASTM standards. Clients from a wide variety of sectors from heavy industry (including chemicals manufacturing, processing of heavy metals, gas, utilities) to real estate and IT. 
  • Several pre-construction and construction phase EHS audits for renewable energy facilities in Finland and the Nordics. 
  • Social and labour rights audits for a variety of facilities.
  • Continous consultation for clients in the IT sector.  
  • Several technical due diligence projects for renewables, including grid compliance, EIAs, permits, land use, CapEx and OpEx. 
  • EIA surpport for several projects of varying size in Finland and in Estonia. 
  • ESG reporting and data gathering for private enterpresises. 
  • Development of CSRD compliance framework.