About DGE Finland

A dedicated Partner

DGE Group’s dedication is to being a complete, comprehensive environmental partner to all clients, 
from the smallest of operations to the biggest of companies. 

Learn more about how we strive to reach this goal below. 

Story & Vision


DGE Finland is a part of DGE Group, that provides environmental and sustainability consulting services across the Nordics and the Baltics. DGE Group was founded in Denmark in 1985, and now employs over 160 dedicated people from various specialties and backgrounds – among them engineers geologists, chemists, environmental
and laboratory technicians, constructional engineers and economists.

DGE Group has branch offices in Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Denmark, and close partners in Norway. We gain opportunities throughour partners in the global co-operation group Inogen Environmental Alliance.

DGE Finland was born in 2019, when DGE Group entered into partnership with the Finnish
LE-Consulting Oy (LEC), which was founded in 1989. Today, we provide the Finnish market the same level and variety of expert consultancy DGE Group is known for in neighboring countries.


In many ways our world has changed for the better, and we respect the advances and progress of the last centuries.

At the same time we acknowledge the need to change many of the practices we have grown used to.

By using the right methodology and applying practical changes,
we feel that development doesn’t need to come at the cost of our natural environment

We envision a world, where shifts in practices and technology allow the well-being of both humans and the environment.

Udvalgte referencer

Core values


Integrity is at the core of all DGE Finland’s values. We’re a private company, but we don’t do business by any means necessary. We have a conscience and it’s our duty to tell our clients what is good and what is not.

We will always do our best to push the projects we participate in towards sustainability. Customers are free to use the knowledge they have gained from us as they will, but we don’t greenwash or change our numbers.


Our network is composed of experts and analysts from several different scientific fields and areas of knowledge.

Our assessments are based on precise and analytical tools and frameworks. We apply critical thinking and discuss and reassess the possible deficiencies and weaknesses in our work before it reaches the customer.

We work dynamically, utilizing different kinds of scopes and perspectives in order to be able to see the full picture. In specialized areas we take advantage of the expertise and knowledge within our network of professionals.


Only honesty can establish trust: in DGE professionalism is personal. DGE is a relatively small company with big customers around the world.

We feel that this works for our benefit: we place high value on our competence and the close relationships we are able to keep with our partners and clients, as well as between the people in DGE Group.


We feel a strong sense of responsibility both to our clients and the natural environment. As the information of the destruction caused by climate change, biodiversity loss and ocean acidification is starting to pile up, the risks posed by different environmental problems can not be ignored.

We strive to help our clients to make the world safer and cleaner by building strong and sustainable strategies and business models for companies so that they are able to reduce their own environmental and social footprint and adapt to the challenges of a rapidly changing world.

Recent references

  • Over 50 legal registries of varying scopes with the most extensive ones covering legislation from hundreds of regulations, standards and directives.
  • Over 20 due diligence projects with onsite Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I, Phase II & ASTM standards. Clients from a wide variety of sectors from heavy industry (including chemicals manufacturing, processing of heavy metals, gas, utilities) to real estate and IT. 
  • Social and labour rights audits. 
  • Several pre-construction and construction phase EHS audits for renewable energy facilities in Finland and the Nordics.
  • Continous consultation for clients in the IT sector.  
  • Several technical due diligence projects for renewables, including grid compliance, EIAs, permits, land use, CapEx and OpEx. 
  • EIA support for several projects of varying size in Finland and in Estonia. 
  • B2B ESG reporting and data gathering.